
Saturday, January 3, 2015

The warmth of the cold

Blowing snow upon the mountain,
Darting, dancing all around—
Truly ’tis the Youthful Fountain,
Yet in different setting found.
Graceful, fleet, chaotic leaping
Flakes into the ether flee
Only warmth, though cold, is seeping
Through the hearts of they that see.


    Feminine rhyme on lines 5 & 7.
    Condenses a glance into a thought, is my guess?
    Lovely little poem. And more pictures, please!
    Is that a stratocumulus blooming over the crest of the mountain? Wish you could send the snow in my direction!

    1. Probably more like stratonimbus; it was incredibly overcast. Feminine rhyme on lines 1 and 3 too! Condenses the joy of an afternoon into a few moments. Poorly. Nothing can capture that exhilaration.

    2. Missed the feminine rhyme on those lines. Tend to have an eye for it only if the words end in "ing." Silly, I know.
      Stratocumulus = overcast, generally. Some precipitation often included. It means that cumulus clouds have joined to form a sheet like layer, howbeit, a heaped one.
      Must have been one glorious afternoon. Glad you decided to share it!

  2. It thought about snowing here but with no luck. We want to come visit you sometime this year hopefully! And we *have* to go tubing least once with me in the middle and you two guys on the outside. That was so much fun. Oh my gosh that was fun! Love you!


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